Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows

It is an advanced/excellent operation system, developed by Microsoft corporation, USA. it is an improved version and replacement of DOS (Disk Operating System). Operating System is a program, which controls overall operations (activities) of the Computer. It is the media point between the Computer and Operator, to work with any computer, a software is required that remains is the memory of the computer, so that computer becomes in live, and is able to response as per the command issued by the user. Such software is known as System Software or Operating System. An Operating System is a software program that provides an interface and acts as an interpreter between the user and computer. An Operating System is thus most important program that runs on a computer. It manages and coordinates the following tasks:

  • Initialize the hardware of computer system.
  • Manages files and documents.
  • communication between people and with other computer systems.
  • Manages user requirements for programs, storage space and priority.

The operating system can run your previous DOS and windows based programs in more stable environment and, in many case, even faster. It also enables a new world of robust 32-bit programs that use preemptive multitasking and multithreading to perform several actions at the same time. Windows'00'XP also offers enhanced multimedia, more powerful mobile features and integrated integrated and seamless networking.

Role of an Operating System

ü   Interface between user and computer
ü  Master control program
ü  Manages the I/O operating
ü  Allocating the resources
ü  Tracking the use of resources
ü  File and Disk management
ü  Detects and notifies the errors

Ø  User
Ø  Application software
Ø  Operating System
Ø  Hardware

There is nothing special you need to start this system. Just turn ON the Computer (CUP) and Screen and wait for just a minute then you will directly enter into the Window Environment (Disk top) and see the following Dialog Box (screen).

Feature of windows

a)    Easier to use

With windows 2000 professional you have faster access to information, and you are able to accomplish task and more quickly &easily.

Windows makes it easier to.

·         Work with files
·         Find information
·         Personalize
·         Work on the Web
·         Work remotely

MS Access

Microsoft Access' XP
            Ms. Access in one of the most powerful and flexible Database Management System (DBMS). By using this software, you can:
Ø Enter data directly into a Database or import it from another program.
Ø Sort, index and organize the data as per your requirement.
Ø Quickly create reports and mailing labels, using all or part of your data.
Ø Make customized data entry forms that simplify the way less experienced computer users enter new information in the Database.
Ø Run queries that extract subsets of your data based on certain conditions.
Ms. Access is a flexible Database program because it can be used for both simple and complex database projects. It also das a relational database feature, in which one can define relationships between different types of information so that you can get together.
 In other words, it a system that allows creating, designing and working with database. Ms. Access provides us with a set of powerful tools for defining, entering, managing, manipulating and resulting data.
 What is data base?
Database is an organized collection of data or related information that are shared and used for multiple purposes, for ex: a telephone directory, students records, result sheets, population census etc.
      The information is stored in such an organized way that they may easy access as per our requirement. Hence a Database is an organized collection of data in easily accessible form, which are shared and used multiple purpose as per required.

There are two types of Database:
       1. Conventional Database and
       2. Computerized Database
There is a difference between these two Databases. In Computerized Database, we can store, find, manage, share and manipulate the data in easier way. But in case of conventional Database, it is not possible. After entering any information in conventional Database, we cannot change it. Telephone directory, Address Book is the examples of conventional Database. Ms. Access is one of the examples of computerized Database.
Database organization in Access:
            In Access, you first need to create a Database file hold everything you create for that Database-not only the data, also the customized forms, reports and indexes. In comparison to others, the organization of data is easier in Access allows user to work with following features in order to organize the data.

     1. Table
     2. Queries
     3. Forms
     4. Reports
     5. Marco
     6. Modules
      The heart of each Database is its tables. Table is an element, which holds main information. A table looks like a spreadsheet and used to store the main data. By using this table features, the information is stored in tow ways.
a)      Row wise and
b)      Column wise
Text Box: Each row is a record   Each column is a field



The intersection of a row and column is a cell
-       Access stores each Database entry in its own row. The information stored in rows is refereed as record. Each record is a collection of information.
-       The information stored along columns are called field. Each type of record heading is kept in its own column.
A query is a way of retrieving and editing information in accordance to the conditions asked. Many users are afraid of queries because of the technical terms associated with them such as values, criteria and masks. But there is no need to be wary, you can create and use a simple query.

      All the data you enter into your Database ends up in the Table for storage. You can enter any information’s directly into the table. But is a little bit difficult to do so. Most users find it easier to create special onscreen form in which to enter the data. This special screen is called form. Form facilitates to make modification, addition the data directly into the table. It also helps user to view the table in user-defined manner.
      While forms are designed to be used onscreen, reports are designed to be printed. Reports are specially formatted collections of data, organized according to your specifications for summarizing and printing.

            Macros are used to perform one or more Database action automatically.

      It is another type of element in access. It is a program you write using visual Basic (a programming language used to create Office Software Package) used to automate and customize Database function.

Planning your Database:
            Planning is the most before creating any Database; you have to make a plan like:
-       What data do I want to store, and what is the best way to organize it? This determines what tables you will need.
-       What data entry actions do I perform in the Database? This determines the forms you will need.
-       What information do I want to know about the status of the Database? This answer tells you what reports and queries you will want.

Starting system of Ms. Access:
            You can start Access in several ways, depending on how you have installed it. However, you can follow any one of the following process (method):
1.      Click on start button.
2.      Choose Program.
3.      Choose Microsoft Access and click on it.
Exiting from Access:
   When you finish working with Access, you should exit it to free up your computer’s memory for other tasks. You can exit Access in several ways.
1.      Press Alt + F4 key.
1.      Go to file menu.
2.      Click on Exit.
1.      Direct click on Close button of the program.
Creating a New Database:
      Before creating any Database, you have to decide either you want to create a blank Database from scratch, and then manually create all the tables, reports, and forms you will need or by using given Database wizards. The answer depends up on you. You can create your Database by using both options. If the Database wizards match your needs, you can use it. It saves lots of time. It is the ready – made format, where most of the usable items are given.
      On the other hand, if you want a special-purpose Database that is not similar to any of the wizards, or if you are creating the Database primarily as a training exercise for yourself, you should create a Database by using blank Database.

Creating a Blank Database:
Creating a blank Database is very simple because you are just creating an outer shell at this point, without any tables, forms, and others. If you just started Access and the Microsoft Access dialog box is still displayed then:

1.      Click on Blank Database.
Then, file new dialog box will appear.
2.      Give the required file Name.
3.      Then click on Create.
Then, wait for just a minute, Access creates the new Database.
But if the Microsoft Access dialog box is not appearing in the screen or if you already close the Ms. Access dialog box then:

1.      Go to file menu.
2.      Click on new. Or, Direct click on new button on the standard Toolbar.
Then, file new dialog box will appear.
3.      Click on Blank Database.
Then, file New Database dialog box will appear.
4.      Give the required file name.
5.      And then click on Create.
After a few time, you will see a Database window with Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Pages, Macros and Modules options.
Understanding Data Types and Formats:
            Each field must have a type, so Access will know how to handle its contents. Here are the types you can choose from:
Text                 : plain, ordinary typing, which can include numbers, letters, and symbols. A Text field can   contain up to 225 characters.
Number           : A plain, ordinary number (not currency or a date). Access will not allow any text in this      field type.
Date / Time      : Simply a date or a time.
Auto Number     : Access automatically fills in a consecutive number for each record.
Currency         : A number formatted as an amount of money.
Memo              : More plain ordinary text, except you don’t set a maximum field length, so you can type an almost infinite amount of text up to 64,000 characters.
Yes / No           : The answer to a true/false question. It can contain one of two values: Yes or No, True or False, on or off.
Ole object        : Photo
Lookup wizards: List or the items, which are directly accessible at the time of date entry.
For Example:
Fields                           Data Types
Stu_id                          Text
Name                           Text
Address                                    Text
Training Course                      Lookup Wizard
Agreement                               Yes/No
Fee Paid                                  Number/Currency
Joining Date                Date/Time
Description: Pls. the    Date/ Time according to the mm/dd/yy format
Photo                           OLE (Object Linking Embedded)
Remarks                                   Memo
Formatting a Table:
One common problem with a table is that you can’t see the complete contents of the fields. Fields often hold more date than the original columns with, so the date in your table cut off. You can fix this problem in two ways: either making the column wider, so it can display more date, or making the row taller, so it can display more than one line of date.
Changing Column Width:
1.      First place in Datasheet view.
2.      Give double click on the edge of each column heading.
3.      Click on the required edge and drag it either up to right or up to left as per requirement
4.      Select required column(s).
5.      Go to format menu.
6.      Click on Column Width.
Then, column width dialog box will appear.
7.      Click on Best fit button to fit the column width automatically as per data entries.
Changing Row Height:
1.      First place in Datasheet view.
2.      Click on the bottom edge of required row and drag it up to destination.
1.      Select required row(s).
2.      Go to format menu.
3.      Click on Row Height.
Then, Row Height dialog box will appear.
4.      Enter the required height value.
5.      Click on ok.
Changing Font:
            You can’t format the fields and records separately. It you apply any effect, and then its effect will apply to all entire entries. Font changes you make in Datasheet view will not appear in your reports, queries, or forms; they are for Datasheet view only.

Some Formula and its syntax used in Ms. Access:
Numeric Formula:
            This formula is used for all types of arithmetic operation like: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division etc.
Used sign (operator) in Numerical Formula:
1.      + (plus)     = For Addition
2.      -  (Minus) = For  Subtraction
3.      * (Asterisk or Star Mark) = For Multiplication
4.      /  (Slash)   = For Division
Solve the following problem by using Numeric formula:
1.      Calculate the amount of each item.
Item Code
Rate per





Amount: [Rate Per unit]*[Quantity]
Make a Project using the following criteria.
TABLE: Staff (Design View)
Fields                                                  Data Types
Staff Id                                                 Text
Name                                                   Text
Address                                                Memo
Post                                                     Lookup Wizards (Director, Engineer……)
Salary                                                  Lookup Wizards (Male, Female)
Bonus                                                  Currency/ Number
Tax                                                      Currency/ Number
Net Salary                                            Currency/ Number

2.      Calculate Bonus, Tax and Net Salary of the personnel by using given criteria:
Staff Id
Basic Salary
Net Salary





1.      Bonus will give 20% of salary per month.
2.      Tax will pay 10% of (basic Salary and Bonus) per Month.
Bonus: [Basic Salary]*20/100
Tax ([Basic Salary+ [Bonus])*10/100
Net Salary: [Basic Salary] + [Bonus]-[Tax]
Logical Formula:
This formula is used for Decision-Making. Various Logics are used while solving any problems.
Uses Sing (Operators) in Logical Formula:
1.      = (Is equal to)
2.      > (Greater than)
3.      >= (Greater than and equal to)
4.       < (Less than)
5.      <= (Less than and equal to)
6.      < > (Not equal to)
Calculate the Total marks, Result, Percentage, Division and Remarks of the following students by using standard SLC result criteria:

Make a project using the following criteria.
Table 1: Registration (Design View)

Fields                                                  Data Types
Symbol no                                            Text (primary key)
Name                                                   Text
School Name                                       Text
Address                                                Memo
Exam Year                                           Number
Date of Birth                                        Date/ Time

Then fill some data in datasheet view
Table 2: Result (Design View)
Fields                                                  Data Types
Symbol no                                            Text (No primary key)
Eng                                                      Number
NEP                                                     Number
Math                                                    Number
Sci                                                       Number
Total                                                    Number
Result                                                   Text
Pct                                                       Number
Div                                                       Text
Remarks                                               Text





Result: iif([Eng]>=32 and [Nep]>=32 and [CM]>=32 and [Sci]>=32 and [OM]>=32 and [Acc]>=32 and [Health]>=32,"Pass","Fail")

Percentage: iif([Result="pass",[Total]/7,0)
Division: iif([pct]>=60,"First", iif([pct]<60 and [pct]>=45, "Second", iif([pct]>=32 and [pct]<45,"Third","No Div")))

Remarks: iif([Division]="First","Excellent", iif([Division]="Second","Well", iif([Division]="Third","Good","Try Again")))

Searching, sorting and filtering data:
Searching. For Data (Using the find Feature):
            The find feature is useful for locating a particular record that you have previously entered. For instance, if you keep a database of customers, you might want to find a particular customer's record quickly when he is ready to make a purchase, so you can verify his address.

Sorting Data:
            Even though you enter your records into the database in some sort of logical order. But at some point, you will want them in a different order. This Sort command is the perfect solution to this problem. With sort, you can rearrange the records according to any field you like. You can sort in either ascending (A to Z, 0 to 9) or descending (Z to A, 9 to 0) order. You can sort the data as  per requirement by using Table or Form.

Follow these steps to sort records:
1.      Click any where in the field on which you want you sort.
2.      Click the sort Ascending or Sort Descending button on the toolbar. Or, Choose Sort from the Records menu then choose Ascending or Descending.
3.      To restore the records to their presorted order, choose Remove Filter/ Sort from the Records menu.

Filtering Data:
         Filtering is for those times when you want to get many of the records out of the way so that you can see the few that you are interested in. filtering temporarily narrows down the number of records that appear, according to criteria you select.
         You can apply a filter in three ways: filter by selection (or filter excluding selection), filter by form, and Advanced Filter/Sort. The first two are the most common for casual (informal) users, so the following sections cover them. The third method is for advanced users only.
Creating a Form:
            A better data-entry method is to create a form. With a form, you can use as much space as needed for each field, and you can enter information into several tables at once you can also avoid the headaches that occur when you try to figure out which record you are working with on a table; generally, each form shows only one record at a time.
            There are three ways to create a form:

1.      Auto For
a.      Auto Form Columnar
b.      Auto Form Tabular
c.       Auto Form Datasheet

2.      Form Wizard
3.      Design View (Form Scratch)
§     Auto Forms provide very quick and simple forms that contain all the fields in a single table.
§     The Form Wizard helps you create a form by following a series of dialog boxes and choosing the required fields and style for the form.
§     Creating a form from scratch provides a layout grid on which you can place fields at required position. It is the more difficult way, but it provides the most controls.
Creating a form with Auto Form:
            The easiest way to create a form is with Auto Form.
1.      Form the Database window, choose Forms at first.
2.      Click on New button.
Then, New Form dialog box will appear.
3.      Choose required Auto Form style.
Auto Form: Columnar – to create a columnar
Form (the most popular kind). This creates a form that contains your fields in a single column, form top to bottom.
Auto Form: Tabular –to create a form that contains your fields in multi column, from left to right.
Auto Form: Datasheet – to create a form with as per Datasheet View.

4.      Click on drop-down arrow of next option and choose the table or query to use as the source of the form’s data
5.      Click on ok.
Then, the ready-made form appears ready for data entry.

Creating a Form with Form Wizard:
            This Form Wizard offers a good compromise between the automation of Auto Form and the control of creating form scratch. Follow these steps to use the Form Wizard
1.      Form the Database window, choose Forms at first.
2.      Direct give double click on Create form by using Wizard. Or, Choose Create form by using wizard and click on Open of Design button.
1.      Click on New button.
2.      Direct give double click on Create form by using wizard. or, choose Create form by using wizard and click on open or Design button.
1.      Click on New button.
Then, New Form dialog box will appear.
2.      Choose Form Wizard.
3.      Click on drop- down arrow of next option and choose the table or query to use as the source of the form's data.
4.      Click on ok.
5.      Then Form Wizard dialog box will appear.
6.      Click on drop-down arrow or Tables/Queries and choose required Table or Query name for the fields.
7.      Then, select the required fields from required Table or Query by using > or >> button.
8.      Click on Next button.
9.      Choose required layout either Columnar or, Tabular or, Datasheet or, Justified by viewing its sample.
10.  Click on Next button.
11.  Choose required background style.
12.  Cline on Next button.
13.                  Enter required title for the form in the text box at the top of the dialog boxc.
14.  Choose either Open the form to view or enter information or, modify the form's design as per requirement.
15.  Click on Finish button.
Switching between Form view and Design view:
'  Direct click on open button for form View and Design button for Design View.
'  Or, Direct click on drop-down arrow of View icon on the toolbar and choose required view.
'  Or, Go to View menu and choose required one.
Practical Exercise:
            Create a form of Staff Query by using wizard and save with Staff Record.
Creating a From Scratch:
            The most powerful and difficult way to create a form is with Form Design view. In this view, you already have to decide exactly where to place each field and how to format it.
1.      Choose Forms from Database window.
2.      Click on New button.
Then, the New Form dialog box will appear.
3.      Choose Design View.
4.      Select a required table or query from the drop-down list at the button of the dialog box.
5.      Click on ok.
Then, A Form Design win
dow appears with fields of selected table or query, Now you are ready to create your form.
1.      Choose Forms from Database window.
2.      Double click on Create form in design view.
3.      Right click on the Ruler as shown in below figure.
4.      Click on properties.
5.      Click on dropdown of Record Source and choose required Table or Query name.

The End