An Introduction to the Computer

The term computer is derived from a Latin word computare, which means calculate. The term computer may be taken as an abbreviation form for Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Training Education and Research.
Computer is an electronic machine which accepts our input (raw data) processes it and gives processed output according to the specific instructions to the user.
Basically the computer performs the following operations.
Input               Processing                   Output and                  Storage

How Does a Computer Perform its Task ?

We can define the function of a computer as an IPC (Input, Processing, Output) cycle. When the data and information are given through an input device, the Processing device (CPU) does all the processing work i.e. it takes action on the given data and passes it to the Output device, through output device the user gets desired output.

A computer system is an integration of various internal and external parts connected to each other. Some of the essential parts of computer system are listed below.
External Parts :
System Unit                Monitor           Keyboard                    Printer             Volt guard       Mouse etc.

System Unit :
System unit is one of the major parts of computer system. The system unit contains all the major parts of computer system such as CPU (Central Processing Unit), RAM (Random Access Memory), SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply),  Mother board, Hard disk, Floppy disk drive, CDROM/ RW, Data cable etc. The CPU does all the processing work.

Keyboard :
A Keyboard is an input device of computer system. It is used to feed data and instructions to the memory of computer. According to the number of keys it is divided into three classes. They are :
XT (Extended Technology) Keyboard           83 Keys
AT (Advanced Technology) Keyboard          101 Keys
Enhanced Keyboard                                       103/104/ more keys
Types of Keyes of a Keyboard :
Function Keys           (F1, F2, F3, ....f12)
Alphabet Keys           (A,B,C,......)
Number Keys            (1,2,3,4,.....)
Special Keys               (Alt, Ctrl, Shift........)
Arrow Keys               (Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow)

Monitor /Visual Display Unit (VDU)
Let us take a closer look at an output device. Data that has been processed needs to be displayed to the user. This is done using the monitor or the VDU. The VDU is similar to a TV screen and can display both text and graphic images. These displays can be either in black & white or color.

A mouse is a small device that is connected to the system unit by means of a long wire. This is another input device, whose movement causes the corresponding movement of a pointer on the screen. It usually has two or three buttons. Using it, the user can select options from the screen.

System Unit:

When data is input to a computer, it is processed and an output is produced at the output device. Processing takes place in the system unit. The component of the system unit that is involved in the actual processing is the microprocessor; another component of the system unit is the internal storage. The system unit contains all the major parts of computer system. Sometimes it is also called CPU.
Types (Classification) of Computer :
According to the nature of the work of the computer personnel or the people who uses computer, the various types of the computer available in the market are classified in to different classes. They are categorized as follows :

On the basis of work (Function) :
a)    Analog Computer b)    Digital Computer    c)     Hybrid Computer 
 On the basis of Size :                                           On the basis of brand :
a)      Super Computer                                                      a) IBM PC
b)     Mainframe Computer                                           b) IBM Compatible
c)     Mini Computer                                                        c) Apple Macintosh
d)     Micro Computer

On the basis of Processing (Speed) :
a)      PC XT (Personal Computer Extended Technology)
b)     PC AT (Personal Computer Advanced Technology)
c)      Pentium I, II, III, IV
 History of Computer

Computers are developed as a result of man's search for a faster way to calculate. Computer is very fast because data and instructions are represented as pulses within electronic circuits and they travel at the speed of light. The inventions and ideas of many mathematicians and scientists led to the development of the computer.
Generation of Computer :

First Generation (1943-1958) :
Second Generation (1958-1965) :
Third Generations (1965-1973) :
Fourth Generation (1973- Now) :
Fifth Generation :

The Personal Computer :
The most popular form of the computer in use today is probably the PC or the personal Computer. The PC can be used for various applications. In fact, there are million of PCs already used by individuals and organizations. The PC us small in size but capable enough to handle large tasks. It can perform a diver's range of functions, from keeping track of household accounts to keeping records of the stores of a large manufacturing company.

Benefits and Limitations of Computers :
The fact that computers have made their impact of almost all aspects of life in today's world can hardly be questioned. The question that you may ask here is how you benefit from using a computer.
A computer provides three basic benefits:
v  Speed
v  Accuracy (Accurate work)
v  Diligence (careful hard work or toady effort)
Windows -98, 2000, XP, ME, VISTA........

Windows is advanced and excellent operating system software developed by Microsoft corporation of USA. It is an improved version of Windows 3.x and replacement of Microsoft Disk Operating System Software. (MS-DOS)This operating system controls over all activities of the computer.

 There is nothing special we need to start this software, just we turn ON our PC and after a while we get the windows environment .
How to start the computer in MS-Windows mode ?
Ø  Make sure that all the peripheral of computer system are connected properly.
Ø  Turn ON the electric AC Power supply.
Ø  Turn ON the power switch of volt guard or UPS.
Ø  Turn ON the power switch of System unit.
Ø  Turn ON the power switch of Monitor.

How to Turn OFF the Computer ?
Ø  Save and close all the programs that are running.
Ø  Click on Start button
Ø  Click on Turn off
Ø  Click on Turn off again.
Microsoft word is very powerful, advance and useful word-processing software developed by Microsoft Corporation of USA. It has all kind of word processing facilities like To create, edit, format, save and print document, to check spellings and grammar, to search for synonyms and antonyms (thesaurus), to work with newspaper columns, tables, to add footnotes and endnotes, page number, special symbols, bookmarks, comments, to insert the picture, objects (e.g. video clips, audio clips, power point presentations, equations, AutoCAD drawings etc.). Table of contents and index. Its extension is DOC.

How to open Microsoft word?
v  Click on Start menu.
v  Choose Program
v  Choose the Ms- Office (or)
v  Select Microsoft Word 2000/xp
v  Click on Start Bottom
v  Choose Run
v  Then a dialogue box will display.

v  Type the text "WinWord" into Run box.
v  Click on OK
Then your required program (Word) will open and the following screen(window) will appear.


New (CTRL +N)
This option is used to create the new document.
v  Click on File menu and choose new option.
v  Select Blank Document.

This option is used to open the saving document.
v  Click on File menu
v  Choose Open option.
Then a dialogue box will be display.
v  Choose the required location (drive) from Dropdown list
v  Choose required file name
v  Click on Open bottom.
Save (Ctrl +S)
This option is used to save the currently used document
v  Click on File menu
v  Choose Save option.
v  A dialogue box will display
v  Type the file name at file name box.
v  Click on save bottom from current box.

Close  (Ctrl +W)
This option is used to close the currently used window or document.
v  Click on File menu and choose Close option.

Exit (Alt + F4)
To exit from current program.
v  Click on File menu and choose Exit option and click.

Save As : (F12)
Saves the active file with a different file name and in different location.
v  Click on file menu and choose Save As option.
v  Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Type the File name at File Name box and choose new location (if necessary)
v  Click on save button.

Page setup
This option is used to Set margins, (Top, bottom, right, left) Paper source, Paper size, (A4, Letter, Custom) Page orientation Style, (Portrait & Landscape) and other layout options for the active file.

v  Click on File menu and choose Page Setup option.
Then a dialogue box will Display. 
Print Preview.
This option is used to see the document in printing style. using this option, we can find, how the document is going to be print exactly.
v  Click on the File menu.
v  Choose Print Preview option
v  Define zoom size, as you want.
v  Then click on Close button from Preview box to go back.

Edit Menu
This option is used to return to the previous effect.
v  After any change, if you want it back  
v  Click on Edit menu and choose Undo option.

This option is used to repeat the last action.
v  Click on Edit menu and choose Redo option

Copies the selected text or object and puts it on the Clipboard.
v  Select the required text or object.
v  Click on Edit menu and choose Copy option.

This option is used to insert the Clipboard contents at the insertion point.
v  Place the cursor pointer at the required area
v  Click on Edit menu and choose Paste option. 
This option is used to Search any specific character/ word of the document
v  Click on edit menu
v  Click on Fin/ Search option ( a dialog box will appear)
v  Type the letter/ word  at Find What criteria

v  Click on Find option.
v  Clicking the Find Next button for next word or character. 

To replace on word into required word of the document.
v  Click on Edit menu and choose Replace option.
v  Type the finding word at Find What box and replacing word at Replace With box.
v  Click on Replace All button from current box
v  Click on Yes button
v  Click on Close button.

Go To
This option is used to move to the particular line no. or page.
v  Click on Edit menu and choose Go To option.
A dialogue box will display

v  Type the required page number at Enter page number box.
v  Click on Go To button from current box.
v  Click on Close button.

View Menu

Normal View:
This view is used to enter and edit the document quickly. This view does not display top and bottom margin, header and footer, page numbers etc.
v  Click on View menu and choose Normal option.

Print Layout / Page Layout
This is an actual view. The document will appear exactly at a printing style. This view shows all items of the document.
v  Click on View menu and choose Print Layout / Page layout option.

Outline View
This view shows only the heading and last portion of the document by hiding the remaining text. This view helps to work more efficiently with longer document.
Tool bars
There are various toolbars, which helps to work easily and more efficiently. However, the following toolbars are most usable toolbars:
1. Standard toolbar
2. Formatting toolbars
3. Drawing toolbar etc.
Note: Table and Boarder toolbar, WordArt, Picture toolbars are also used while working with respective jobs.
v  Click on view menu and choose Tool bars option.
v  Choose the required tool bars from current list (Once click on show or one click on hide)

Displays or hides the horizontal ruler, which you can use to position objects, change paragraph indents, page margins, and other spacing settings.
v  Click on View menu and choose Show/Hide ruler (Once click on show or one click on hide ruler)

Header and Footer.
Header: The set of characters or objects which appears in every page at the top of the document is called Header and which appears at the bottom margin of the document is called footer. This contains company's name, Chapter heading, title etc.
To remove Header and Footer
v  Click on view menu and choose Header and Footer option
v  Delete the header text form current box.
v  Click on close button from current box.

Full Screen
This option is used to see the document in full screen by hiding all types of toolbars.
v  Click on View menu and choose Full Screen option.
v  Then click on Close full Screen button from Full Screen mode.

Insert Menu
This option is used to break the line, page, column and paragraph.
v  Keep the cursor from where you want to break.
v  Click on Insert menu and choose Break option.
v  A dialogue box will display
v  Choose required option to break the text
v  Click on OK.
To remove break
v  Place the cursor pointer at the page break area
v  Press the Delete key from keyboard.

Page Number
This option is used to insert page number. It updates page numbers automatically when you add or delete pages.
v  Click on Insert Menu.
v  Click on Page Numbers.
v  A dialogue box will display. 
 v  Choose Position the (button of the page) footer, or (Top of the page) header from position box.
v  Choose the required Right, Left, Center form Alignment box.
If you want to change page number style then click on Format button and choose required page number style Format page number box
v  Click on OK button
v  Click on OK button

To remove page Number
v  Click on View menu and choose Header and footer option.
v  Delete the Page number from current box.
v  Click on Close button from current box.

Date and Time
This option is used to insert the date and time in the current cursor position.
v  Place he cursor pointer at the required area.
v  Click on Insert menu and choose Date and time option.
v  Choose the current date from Date and dime box.
v  Click on OK button.

This option is used to insert the special character or the symbol.
v  Place the cursor pointer at the required area.
v  Click on Insert menu and choose Symbol option.
v  A dialogue box will be display

v  Choose the required font style from Font drop down list.
v  Choose the required symbol from current box.
v  Click on Insert button.
v  Click on Close button.

Auto Text
This option is used to select the pre-defined text.
v  Place the cursor where you want to insert the text.
v  Click on Insert menu and choose Auto Text option
v  Select the required text option

A comment is a note which user or viewer adds to a document. Each comment is identified by a mark.
v  Place the cursor pointer at the required area.
v  Click on Insert menu and choose Comment option.
v  Type the Comment text at comment plane area at the button of the screen
v  Then, click on Close button.

v  Place the cursor pointer at the required place.
v  Click on Insert menu and choose Picture option
v  Clip art gallery will display
v  Choose the required picture form current picture box.
v  Click on Insert button from current box.

Auto Shapes
This option is used to draw the different types of shapes.
v  Click on Insert menu and choose Picture option
v  Select Auto Shapes option, Then Auto Shape tool box will appears                     
v  Choose the Auto Shapes style from Auto Shapes box.
v  Click and drag mouse pointer at the where to put.
Note: After creating any kinds of shape, you can feel color, to change stroke style and to put text into this shape.

Word art
From word art we can make different designs, colors, rotate stretch, shadow etc. of words.
v  Click on Insert menu and choose Picture option
v  Select Word Art
v  Type the text which you want to design
v  Click on OK button
Inserts all or part of the file you select, into the active file at the insertion point.
v  Place the cursor pointer at the required place.
v  Click on Insert menu and choose file… option
v  Select the file
v  Click on Insert button.

Insert Object
This option is used to insert different objects like as equation, bitmap image, clipart, word art, graph chart etc.
v  Click on Insert menu
v  Click on Object
Then, a dialog box will display
v  Choose the Microsoft Clip Gallery.
v  Click on Ok.
v  Choose the Insert Clip
v  Close the Picture (×)

Hyperlink (ctrl +K)
This option is used to link a file(document) to another file (document)
v  Click on Insert Menu
v  Click on Hyperlink Option
v  Then, a dialog box will display
v  Click on Browse for. (File Option)
v  Choose the file Name From File Location
v  Click on Ok
v  Click on Ok again

Format Menu
Font :
v  Select the required text or document.
v  Click on format menu.
v  Click on Font Command.
Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Choose the required font name, font style, font size, font color, underline, effect etc.
v  Click on ok.

Character Spacing
This option is used to apply the character spacing.  
v  Select the text or document
v  Click on format menu
v  Click on font, then a dialogue box will display.
v  Click on character spacing.
v  Choose the spacing percentage and others
v  Click on ok.

 To Apply text effect.
v  Select the required text.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on font command.
Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Click on text effect tab.
v  Choose any Animation effect.
v  Click on Ok.

To remove text effect.
v  Select the text that contains effect.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Font command.
Then a dialog box will display.
v  Click on Text effect tab.
v  Choose none option.
v  Click on Ok.

 To set Paragraph
This option is used to format the paragraph.
v  Select the required text (paragraph).
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Paragraph command.
v  Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Choose the required, alignment. (Left, center, justified etc.)
v  Set the required left and right indents from Indentation option.
v  Choose First line or hanging from special option.
v  Select the required spacing for before and after option.
v  Choose the any line spacing style.
v  Click on ok.

To add  Bullets & Numbering.
            This option is used to identify/separate the text/paragraph with some special character (bullet) or serial numbers by using in front of it.

v  First type the list and select it.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Bulleted & numbering Command.
Them a dialogue box will display.
v  Click on Bulleted tab for bulleting and Numbered tab for numbering
v  Choose any Bulleting or Numbering Style.
v  To change the style and other options click on Customize button.
v  Choose the any style.
v  Click on ok.

To Remove Bullets & Numbering.
v  Select the list that contains Bullets & Numbering
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Bullets &Numbering Command.
v  Then a dialog box appears.
v  Choose None Option
v  Click on Ok.

To add Numbering.
This option is used to insert the numbering.
v  First type the list and select it.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Bulleted & numbering Command.
v  Click on Numbering.
v  Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Click on Number, Choose the Number Style.
v  Click on ok.

Borders and Shading
This option is used to improve the appearance of the required text by using different types of Boarder and Shading.

a. Borders
v  Select the text
v  Click on Format Menu.
v  Click on Borders & shading.
v  Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Select required boarder style
v  Click on ok.

 B. Page Border
This option is used to add required boarder to whole page of the document.    
v  Click on Format Menu.
v  Click on Borders & shading.
v  Then a dialogue Box will display.
v  Choose the Page Border option
v  Choose the Art option
v  Choose the width number (35)
v  Click on ok

C. shading
v  Select the text Or Document
v  Click on Format Menu.
v  Click on Borders & shading.
v  Then a dialogue Box will display.
v  Choose the Shading option
v  Choose the Color option.
v  Click on ok

This option is used to define column to the document. We can design document in column Layout (newspaper style)
v  Go to Format menu
v  Choose the Column option.
Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Choose the Any one Column Style As you like or Type the Number of Column from column box.
v  Define as per required on the given dialog box.
v  Click on ok.

 Drop Cap
This menu option is used to drop the selected character till the defined number of line. It helps to give big capital of the initial letter of the document.
v  Select the required text or Alphabet
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Drop Cap
Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Choose the Position any one Drop Style.
v  Choose the Line to drop number from line to drop box.
v  Click on ok.

This menu option is used to Formatting document in selected theme Background Style.
v  Click on Format menu, & click on Theme.
v  Then display different theme format style.
v  Choose the any one style 
v  Click on ok.

Tab Setting
This menu option is used to set the tab in required text of the document.
v  Select the Data.
v  Go to Format menu.
v  Click on Tab Setting.
Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Type the required number at tab stop position criteria.
v  Click at ok.
v  If you want to clear the tab then click at clear.

Auto Format
It helps to format document automatically using by template style.
v  Select the Text.
v  Go to Format Menu.
v  Click on Auto format option.
v  Then dialogue box will display.
v  Choose auto format now and click at ok

v  Click on Format menu.
v  Go to Style
v  Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Choose the any one format style
v  Click on ok.

Change Case.
This option is used to change the character case.
v  Select the required text, which you want to change.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Change Case.
Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Choose the Any one case Style. (Sentence Case, Upper Case, Lower Case, Title Case, Toggle Case,)
v  Click on Ok.
To change the background of document.
v  Click on Format Menu
v  Click on Background command.
v  Define required colour or effect  and
v  Click on ok.
To apply style
v  Select the required text.
v  Click on format menu.
v  Click on Style command.
v  Then a style dialog box will appear.
v  Choose any style.
v  Click on Apply button.

Tools Menu

To Check Spelling & Grammar
This option is used to check (correct) the spelling and grammar.
v  First Place your cursor at the beginning of document.
v  Click on Tools menu.
v  Click on Spelling & Grammar command.
v  Then a spelling & Grammar dialog box appear.
v  Now computer will display the spelling & grammar mistakes of your document and also suggestions for them.
v  To correct the mistake, choose any suggestion and click on change button to ignore click ignore button.
v  To add the word in computer dictionary, click on add button.

To replace the word with synonyms
or antonyms.
v  Select the required word.
v  Click on tools menu.
v  Click on language command.
v  Click on Thesaurus command.
Then a dialog box appears.
v  Choose any synonym or antonym word.
v  Click on Replace button.

Using word count command.
This command is used to count the total number of words in the document.
v  Select the required paragraph or text.
v  Click on tools menu.
v  Click on Word count command.
Now a message box will appear where you can see the detail information.
v  To close the message box, click on Close button.

Using Auto Correct Command.
            This option is used to correct some universal truth (related to text) automatically, also to correct some confusing words. This option also helps to define (create) shortcut for long text as well as to convert and control the keys effect of keyboard.
Before creating a document,
v  Click on Tools menu.
v  Click on Auto correct command.
Then, Auto correct dialog box with different folders will appear.
v  Put the tick mark on all required option.
v  Choose Auto Format as you type folder.
v  Put the tick mark on 1st three option of Replace as you type.
v  Click on Ok.

To protect document.
v  Click on Tools menu.
v  Click on Protect document command.
Then a dialogue box appears.
v  Click on Comments or From option.
v  Type a password in Password box.
v  Click on Ok.
v  Again type the same password.
v  Click on Ok.

To unprotect document.
v  First open the protected document.
v  Click on Tools menu.
v  Click on Unprotect document command.
v  Then a password box appears.
v  Enter your password.
v  Click on Ok.
To create letters using Letter wizard
v  Click on Tools menu.
v  Click on Letter wizard command
v  Then a wizard box appears.
v  Click on Letters format tab.
v  Click the data line option, and choose any data format.
v  Choose any page design and letter style.
v  Click on Recipient's info tab.
v  Type the required information.
v  Click on Other elements tab.
v  Click on Sender info tab.
v  Type the required information.
v  Click on Ok button.

            This option is used to define (store) required text with special shortcut key for future use.

Recording macro:
v  Go to Tools menu.
v  Choose Macro.
v  Choose Record new macro and click on it.
Then, record macro dialog box will appear.
v  Click on keyboard to assign a keyboard shortcut for a macro.
v  Give required shortcut by using Ctrl or, Alt key with any letters or number at short key here box.
v  Click on Assign.
v  Click on Close.
v  Then, record the required text. When finished, click on Stop recording button anywhere inside the document.

Table Menu
To draw table
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on draw table command.
A dialogue box will display
v  Then a toolbar of Table & Borders appears and your mouse pointer will change into pencil sign.
v  Press the mouse button and drag it to draw table.

To Insert Table
v  Keep the cursor at the required place of document.
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on Insert / Table command.
Then a dialogue box appears.
v  Type the required number of rows & Columns.
v  Choose any options from Auto fit behavior.
v  Click on ok.

To select row \column\table 
v  Put the cursor at the required cell box.
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on Select command.
v  Then choose any option.  (Row, Column, Table etc.)

To insert rows
v  Select the required rows where you want to insert new rows.
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on Insert command.
v  Then click on Rows above or Rows below option.

To insert Columns
v  Select the required columns where you want to insert new columns.
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on Insert command.
v  Choose Columns to the left or Columns to the right option.

To delete rows\columns \table
v  Select the rows or columns or table which you want to delete.
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on Delete command.
v  Then choose the required option. (Row\ column\table etc)

To merge cell
v  Select the required cells you want to merge.
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on Merge command.

To Split cells
v  Select the required cells.
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on Split cells command.
v  Then a dialogue box appears.
v  Type the required number of rows & columns.
v  Click on ok

To Split table
v  Put the cursor at the required cell from where you want to split table.
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on Table command.

To Auto Format table
v  Select the table.
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on Table Auto Format command.
Then a dialogue box appears.
v  Choose any format.
v  Click on Ok.

To convert Text to table / Table to text
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on Convert command.
v  Then click on table to text or text to table command a required.
v  Select the table or text.
Now a dialogue box appears.
v  Click the required option.
v  Click on Ok.

To sort table
This option is used to for sorting the list in ascending or descending order.
v  Select the table first.
v  Click on Table menu.
v  Click on Sort command.
Then a sort dialogue box appears.
v  Choose the base key (Columns or S.N. or Particular) from sort by criteria.
v  Choose the ascending or Descending as you like.
v  Click on ok.

Working with multiple documents
v  Click on Open button of standard toolbar.
v  Select the multiple filenames using Ctrl key.
v  Click on Open button.
v  Then click on Window menu.
v  Click on Arrange all command.
(To save and close all the opened documents at once, press and hold down Shift key.
v  Click on File menu and click on save all or close all command as required.

To Split window
This option is used to split (divide) Screen.
v  Click on Window menu.
v  Click on Split command.
v  Move your mouse pointer to the required place of document.
v  Press the mouse button.
[To remove Split. click Window menu and click on Remove Split command.]


Microsoft Company developed this program, so it is known as Microsoft Excel. It is a spreadsheet program where we can insert data, process them, sort them, filter them and create chart from the data etc., in this program we can perform various kinds of Mathematical, financial, statistical, engineering calculations. Using this program we can create bill, voucher, salary sheet, income & expenses statement, mark sheet, purchase book, sales book, balance sheet etc.

Workbook : The file of MS-Excel is called workbook and its extension is, .xls.

Worksheet : - The large working area of a workbook is called worksheet. There are 65,536 rows and 256 columns in a worksheet.

Cell : - The intersection of row and column is called Cell. Each cell contains 32000 Characters.

To start Microsoft Excel 2000/XP
v  Click on Start cotton.
Click on Programs.
v  Click on Ms Excel.                  Or
v  Click on Start
v  Click on Run
v  Then a dialog box appears
v  Type Excel
v  Click on OK.


v  Click on file menu
v  Click on new
Then a dialog box will appears
v  To create a new work book click on  blank workbook

v  Click on File menu.
v  Click on Save command
v  Select the required location and type file name to save the workbook.
v  Click on save option of the dialog box.

v  Click on File menu.
v  Click on Close command.
[To close all open workbooks without exiting the program, hold down SHIFT and click close all on the File menu.]

v  Open the workbook you want to make a copy.
v  Click on file menu.
v  Click on Save as.
v  In the File name box, type a new name of the workbook and if necessary choose the new location too.
v  Click Save.

v  Click on file menu.
v  Click on open command.
v  Select the required workbook name.
v  Click on Open.
v  Double click the workbook you want to open.

v  First open the workbook.
v  Click on File menu.
v  Click on Save as command.
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Click on Tools of dialog box and click on General option.
v  Type the password in Password to open box.
v  Click on ok bottom.
     Then a confirm password box will appear.
v  Type the same password again.
v  Click on ok button.
v  Click on save button.

This command is used to set margins, paper source, paper size, page orientation, and other layout options for the active file.
v  First open the workbook of which you want to set page.
v  Click on File menu.
v  Click on Page Setup command.
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Choose the required orientation. (Portrait or landscape), paper size, set the required margin for Top, Bottom, and Left, Right, Header& footer choose other required options and
v  Click on OK button.

v  Click on file menu.
v  Click on Print Preview command.
Now you can see the preview of your worksheet.
v  Click on Next button to see the next page of sheet.
v  Click on close button to close the preview.

Select the required part of sheet which you want to set as print area.
v  Click on file menu.
v  Click on Print area command.
v  Choose Set print area.
[To clear print area click on File menu, choose print area and click on clear print area.]

v  Open the worksheet which you want to print.
v  Click on File menu.
v  Click on Print command
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Choose any option from Print range criteria. [All, Page].
v  Choose any option from Print what criteria. [Selection, entire workbook etc.]
v  Choose the required number of copies to print.
v  Click on other required options and Click on OK button.

v  Move the mouse pointer over the row number which you want to select.
v  Press the mouse button once.

v  Move the mouse pointer over the column label which you want to select.
v  Press the mouse button once.

v  Move the mouse pointer over the top left corner of worksheet.
v  Press the mouse button once.

v  Select the required cells which you want to copy or move.
v  Click on Edit menu.
v  Click on copy or Cut command as required
v  Then place the active cell at the required cell
v  Click on Edit menu. .
v  Click on Paste Command
[You can also use the shortcuts to copy, cut and paste as in Ms Word such as Ctrl+c, Ctrl+x, Ctrl+v]

To Fill Numbers.
v  Keep the cell on the required cell.
v  Type First and Second number in First and Second cell.
v  Then select the both cells.
v  Move the mouse pointer over the bottom right corner of second cell.
v  Drag the fill handle as required.

v  Keep the cell on the required cell.
v  Type Sunday or January in First cell.
v  Then move the mouse pointer over the bottom right corner of first cell.
v  Drag the fill handle.

v  Select the required cells which you want to clear.
v  Click on Edit menu.
v  Click on Clear command.
Then click on All option to clear everything with formatting, contents etc,
v  Click on formats option to clear only the formats.
v  Click on Contents option to clear only the contents.
v  Click on Comments option to clear the comments only.

v  Select the required cells or rows or columns which you want to delete.
v  Click on Edit menu.
v  Click on Delete command.
If you have selected cells then a dialog box appears.
v  Choose any option. [Shift cells left, shift cells up etc.]
v  Click on Ok. 

v  Select the required sheet name which you want to delete.
v  Click on Edit Menu,
v  Click on Delete sheet command.
v  Then a message box will appear.
v  Click on ok

v  Select the required sheet name.
v  Click on Edit menu.
v  Click on Move or Copy sheet command.
v  Then a dialog box will appear
v  Choose any option from before sheet list.
[If you want to create a copy of the selected sheet click create a copy option]
v  Click on OK.

This option is used to find any word or letter.
v  Click on Edit menu.
v  Click on Find Command
v  Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Type a required text or data in find what box.
v  Click on Find next button.

This option is used to replace any existing word or letter.
v  Click on Edit menu
v  Click on Replace command
v  Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Type the required text or data in find what box which you want to replace.
v  Type the replacing text or data in Replace with box.
v  Then click on Find next.
v  Click on Replace or Replace all button as required.

v  Click Edit menu.
v  Click on Go to command.
v  Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Type the cell name in reference box.
v  Click on OK.

v  Click on View menu.
v  Click on Formula bar Command to show or hide.

v  Click on View menu.
v  Click on Header & Footer command.
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Click on Custom header.
v  Put the cursor at the required section (left, center, right).
v  Type the header Name.
v  Click on Ok.
v  Then click on Custom Footer button.
v  Type the footer Name in the required section.
[You can also insert page number, date, time, filename etc as header & footer]
v  Click on OK.

v  Click on View menu.
v  Click on Full screen command.
v  Now your worksheet will appear in full screen.
v  To close full screen, click on Close full screen tool.

v  Click on View menu.
v  Click on Zoom command.
v  Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Choose any one option. (200%, 100%, 50%, 75% etc.)
v  Click on OK. 

v  Select the required cells where you want to insert new blank cells.
v  Click on Insert menu.
v  Click on Cells command.
v  Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Choose any one option. (Shift cells right, shift cells down & insert entire Rows, Columns).
v  Click on Ok

v  Select the required rows where you want to insert new rows.
v  Click on Insert menu.
v  Click on Rows command

v  Select the required columns where you want to insert new columns.
v  Click on Insert menu.
v  Click on Columns command.
v  Select the sheet name where you want to insert new worksheet.
v  Click on Insert menu.
v  Click on Work sheet command.
[Now a new worksheet will appear in the sheet tabs]

v  First type the data for chart.
v  Select the data range.
v  Click on insert menu.
v  Click on Chart command.
v  Then a chart wizard box will appear.
v  Choose any chart type and chart subtype form standard type tab. [For more chart types click on Custom types tab]
v  Click on Next button.
v  Choose the required option from series in [Rows or Columns]
v  Click on Next button.
v  Type the chart title in Chart title box.
v  Type the X and Y category titles.
v  Click on Axes tab and choose the required options.
v  Click on Gridlines tab and choose the required options.
v  Click on Legend and choose any option.
v  Click on Data labels and Data table tab and choose the required options.
v  Click on Next button.
v  Now choose the required location to place chart.
v  Click on Finish button.
v  [If you want to change the chart type, chart options, chart location etc then select the chart, click on Chart menu and choose the required options.]
v  Put the active cell at the required cell where you want to use formula.
v  Type (=) equal to sign, [Formula always begins with (=) sign]
v  Enter the formula with cell references and operators
v  Press Enter Key

Functions Operators:-
+                      Addition
-                       Subtraction
*                      Multiplication.
/                       Division
%                     Percentage.
=                      Equal comparison.
<                      Less than
>                      Greater than.
<=                    Less than or equal to
>=                    Greater than or equal to
<>                    Is not equal to
and/ Or/ Not Logic.

v  Select the required cells where you want to insert comment.
v  Click on Insert menu.
v  Click on Comment command.
v  Then a comment box appears.
v  Type the required comments.

v  Select the required cell that contains comment.
v  Press opposite mouse button.
v  Choose show comment/Hide comment.

v  Select the required cell that contains comments.
v  Press opposite mouse button.
v  Choose Edit comments or Delete comments.
v  Click on Insert menu.
v  Click on Picture / Clipart command.
Then a Clipart box will appear.
v  Select any category
v  Choose any picture and press the mouse button.

v  Click on Insert menu.
v  Click on picture command.
v  Click on Auto shapes.
Then an auto shapes toolbar will appear.
v  Choose any shape from toolbar.
v  Press the mouse button and drag it to draw auto shapes.

v  Click on Insert menu.
v  Click on Picture command.
v  Click on Word art.
v  Then a word art style box will appear.
v  Choose any style.
v  Click on Ok.
v  Now type the required text.
v  Click on Ok.

v  Click on Insert menu.
v  Click on Object command.
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Choose Paint brush picture.
v  Click on Ok.
v  Now draw any picture you like. 

v  Select the required cells or object where you want to insert hyperlink.
v  Click on Insert menu.
v  Click on hyperlink command.
v  Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Click on File of Browser for option.
v  Choose the required file.
v  Click on Ok.
v  Again click on Ok.

v  Select the required cells.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Cells command.
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Click on Number tab.
v  Choose Number category.
v  Choose the required decimal places.
v  If needed choose the Use thousand separators option.
v  Click on Ok.

To change the number in currency format.
v  Select the required cells.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Cells command.
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Click on Number tab.
v  Choose Currency tab.
v  Choose the required decimal places.
v  Choose any currency symbol.
v  Click on OK.

To change the number in Percentage format.
v  Select the required cells.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Cells command.
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Click on Number tab.
v  Click on Percentage tab.
v  Choose the required decimal places.
v  Click on OK.
v  First type the long text in a single cell.
v  Select the required cell range.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Cells command.
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Click on Alignment tab.
v  Choose center from Horizontal and Vertical alignment.
v  Click the three options of text control criteria. (Wrap text, shrink to fit, merge cells)
v  Click on Ok.

v  Select the required cells.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Cells command.
v  Then click on Alignment tab.
v  Choose the required degrees.
v  Click on Ok.

v  Select the required cells.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Cells command.
v  Then click on Font command.
v  Choose the required font, font style size, font color, underline style, effects.
v  Click on Ok.

v  Select the required cells.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Cells command.
v  Then click on Borders tab.
v  Choose any boarder style and Color.
v  Click on Outline and inside option.
v  Then click on Patterns tab.
v  Choose any color.
v  Click on OK

v  Select the required row.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Row command.
v  Then choose the required options, (Height, Auto fit, hide, unhide)

v  Select the required columns.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on column command.
v  Then choose the required option. (Width Auto fit selection, hide, un hide)

v  Select the required sheet name which you want to rename.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Sheet command.
v  Click on rename command.
v  Type the name for sheet.
v  Press Enter key.

v  Select the required sheet name (by clicking)
v  Click on format menu.
v  Click on Sheet command.
v  Click on Hide/Unhide.

v  Click on format menu.
v  Click on Sheet command.
v  Then click on Background.
v  Now a dialog box will appear.
v  Choose any background file.
v  Click on Insert button

v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Sheet command.
v  Click on Delete background.

v  Select the required cells.
v  Click on Format menu.
v  Click on Auto format command.
v  Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Choose any format style.
v  Click on Ok.

v  Click on Tools menu.
v  Click on Auto correct command.
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Click the required options.
v  Type the common mistakes in Replace box.
v  Click on Add button.
v  Click on Ok.

v  Click the worksheet name which you want to protect.
v  Click on tools menu.
v  Click on protection Command.
v  Click on Protect sheet.
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Choose the required options, (Contents, Objects etc.)
v  Type a password.
v  Click on Ok.
v  Again type the same password.
v  Click on Ok.

v  Click on Tools menu.
v  Click on Protection command.
v  Click on Protect workbook.
v  Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Choose the required options (Structure, Window)
v  Type a password.
v  Click on Ok.
v  Again type the same password.
v  Click on Ok.

v  Click on the Tools menu.
v  Click Goal seek.
v  In the Set cell box, enter the reference for the cell that contains the formula you want to resolve.
v  In the To value box, type the result you want.
v  In the By changing cell box, enter the reference for the cell that contains the value you want to adjust. This cell must be referenced by the formula in the cell you specified in the Set Cell box.
v  Click on Ok button.

v  Click on tools menu.
v  Click on Options command.
v  Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Click on View tab.
v  Choose the required options to from windows options.
[Gridlines, row & column headers, Horizontal scrollbar, sheet tabs etc.]

v  Select the required cells.
v  Click on Data menu.
v  Click on Sort command.
Then a dialog box will appear.
v  Choose the required column name for sort by option.
v  Choose Ascending or Descending order. [If you want to sort multiple columns click on Then by option and choose the required column name.
v  Choose Header row or No header row from My list has option.
v  Click on Ok.  
v  Select the required columns.
v  Click on Data menu.
v  Click on Filter command.
v  Then click on Auto filter.
v  Now click on drop down arrow list of column and choose the required options. (All, Top 10, custom etc)

v  Click n Data menu.
v  Click on Filter command.
v  Click on Auto filter.

Some Formulas for calculations.

Mark - Sheet













=total/no. Of subjects

Condition for result

All subjects>=32



Condition for division







Condition for Remarks:


A grade

B grade


C grade

Do yourself

B. Salary
Traveling allowance10%
House rent allowance12%
Medical allowance10%
Gross salary
Income tax
Provident fund10%










Travelling All. 10%


House rent all.12%


Medical All. 10%


Gross Salary

=sum(B.Salary:Medical all.)

Condition for Income tax:








Provident Fund:


Net salary

=Gross salary-Income tax-Provident fund

Tele-Communication Sheet

Total Calls
Rental Charge
Extra charge
Total charge
Vat 10%
Net charge





Condition for Extra charge
total calls<=100

Per call Rs.*(total call-100)

Per call Rs. 2


=if(and(total call<=100),0,2*(total call-100))

Total charge

=Rental charge+Extra charge

Vat 10%

=10%*Total charge

Govt. tax10%

=10%*Total charge

Net charge

=total charge+Vat+Govt. tax

Microsoft PowerPoint :

Microsoft PowerPoint is also one of the family member software of MS-Office Package. It is presentation software. This software is also developed by Microsoft Corporation of USA. Using this software we can create different types of slide presentations in different layout. We can also apply different animations, sounds, transition, graphics and effects etc. This software is mostly used in display project overview, using display projector or monitor. .

How to open Ms- Power Point.

v  Click on Start Button.
v  Click on Programs
v  Click on Ms-Power Point
v  Open the Power point. Then a dialogue box will display
v  Choose the Slide. Type the slide document
v  Click on Start Button
v  Click on Run
v  Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Type the PowerPnt.
v  Click on ok

To Open New Blank Presentation
v  When you run Power Point for the First time a dialogue box automatically appears.
v  Choose Blank Presentation.
v  Click on ok
       For Slide Layout
v  When you start New Blank Presentation.
v  A Slide layout box Appears
v  Choose any Layout From the Box.
v  Click on Ok.

To Create Presentation
Using Auto Content Wizard : -

v  Click on File menu.
v  Click on New Command.
v  Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Choose Auto Content Wizard
v  Click on Ok.
v  Then a wizard box appears.
v  Click on Next Button.
v  Select any type of Presentation you want to Create.
v  Click on Next Button.
v  Choose the any Output Type.
v  Type the Presentation Title footer text etc.
v  Click on Finish Button.

To Insert New Slide.

v  Click on Insert menu
v  Click on New Slide Command.
v  Then a slide layout box Appears.
v  Choose any Layout
v  Click on ok.

To Apply Colors Scheme
v  Click on format menu.
v  Click on Slide color Scheme.
v  Then a color Scheme box Appears.
v  Choose any Scheme.
v  Now Click on Custom tab to Change the Colors,
v  Choose the required colors.
v  Click on Apply or Apply to All.

To Apply Custom Animation.

v  Click on Slide show menu.
v  Click on Custom Animation.
v  Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Click on Order and Timing tab.
v  Check the objects and text of slide.
v  Click on Mouse Click on Automatically option from start Animation.
v  If required set the required timing in seconds.
v  Then click on effects tab.
v  Choose any entry Animation and sound.
v  Choose any option from Introduce text (only for text)
v  If needed choose any sound effect.
If you have any chart in your slide click on chart effect tab.
v  Choose the required animation sound effect etc.
If you have inserted moves or sound the click on multimedia settings.
v  Choose the required options.
v  Click on ok.

To Apply Slide Transition.

v  Click on slide show menu
v  Click on Slide Transition.
v  Then a dialogue box will display.
v  Choose any Transition effect.
v  Choose show or fast or medium option as required,
v  Choose any option from advance,
v  Click on (On mouse Click) Or Automatically After)
v  Set the required Timing in Seconds
v  If needed choose any sound effect
v  Click on Apply of Apply to all.
v  View Show
v  Click on Slide show
v  Click on view show. 

Slide show (presentation)

This option is use to present the slides in full screen mode with different slide transition and animation effect. After crating and formatting the slides
v  Direct click on the slide show icon on the lower rightmost corner.
v  Go to view menu.
v  Click on slide show


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