PageMaker 7.0 is one
of the best and popular Desktop Publishing Designing Program developed by Adobe
Corporation in USA. It is specially used in page designing. Today is popular in
press and printing jobs with the help of this program, we can create any kinds
of Designing like Visiting cards, Identity card, advertisement, Logo,
Brochures, News papers and different articles etc. It is quite easy with its
leading, tracking, set with features to adjust the text and to make publication
pagemaker 7 keyboard shortcuts
general commands_1
alt + space bar =====
open control menu box
ctrl + n ======= create new document/file
ctrl + o ======= open
ctrl + s ======= save
ctrl + shift + s ======= save as
ctrl + w ======= close
ctrl + d ======= place a vector/raster/image
ctrl + shift + d ======= link manager view/display
ctrl + shift + p ======= document (modify/change) setup
ctrl + p ======= print
ctrl + k ======= general/preference (view/display)
ctrl + q ======= quite/exit
ctrl + a ======= select all (text/object)
ctrl + c ======= copy (text/object)
ctrl + v ======= paste (text/object)
ctrl + z ======= undo (one time)
ctrl + e ======= edit/modify story
ctrl + n ======= create new document/file
ctrl + o ======= open
ctrl + s ======= save
ctrl + shift + s ======= save as
ctrl + w ======= close
ctrl + d ======= place a vector/raster/image
ctrl + shift + d ======= link manager view/display
ctrl + shift + p ======= document (modify/change) setup
ctrl + p ======= print
ctrl + k ======= general/preference (view/display)
ctrl + q ======= quite/exit
ctrl + a ======= select all (text/object)
ctrl + c ======= copy (text/object)
ctrl + v ======= paste (text/object)
ctrl + z ======= undo (one time)
ctrl + e ======= edit/modify story
+ ctrl + g ======= go to (page)
ctrl + t ======= character (gaps) specs
ctrl + shift + / ======= letter/word strike through
ctrl + m ======= setup/modify paragraph
ctrl + shift + v ======= reverse
ctrl + shift + b ======= bold
ctrl + shift + i ======= italic
ctrl + shift + u ======= underline
ctrl + shift + c ======= center (text) alignment
ctrl + shift + j ======= justify (text) alignment
ctrl + shift + l ======= left (text) alignment
ctrl + shift + r ======= right (text) alignment
ctrl + shift + > ======= increase size (font)
ctrl + alt + > ======= standard size (font)
ctrl + shift + < ======= decrease size (font)
ctrl + shift + k ======= upper/all caps letter
ctrl + \ ======= letter/word subscript
ctrl + shift + \ ======= letter/word superscript
ctrl + i ======= tabs/indents setup/modify
ctrl + t ======= character (gaps) specs
ctrl + shift + / ======= letter/word strike through
ctrl + m ======= setup/modify paragraph
ctrl + shift + v ======= reverse
ctrl + shift + b ======= bold
ctrl + shift + i ======= italic
ctrl + shift + u ======= underline
ctrl + shift + c ======= center (text) alignment
ctrl + shift + j ======= justify (text) alignment
ctrl + shift + l ======= left (text) alignment
ctrl + shift + r ======= right (text) alignment
ctrl + shift + > ======= increase size (font)
ctrl + alt + > ======= standard size (font)
ctrl + shift + < ======= decrease size (font)
ctrl + shift + k ======= upper/all caps letter
ctrl + \ ======= letter/word subscript
ctrl + shift + \ ======= letter/word superscript
ctrl + i ======= tabs/indents setup/modify
general commands_3
+ + (plus)/ - (minus) ======= zoom in/out
ctrl + 1 ======= actual size view/display
ctrl + 2 ======= 200% view/display
ctrl + 4 ======= 400% view/display
ctrl + 5 ======= 500% view/display
ctrl + 7 ======= 75% view/display
ctrl + 0 ======= fit in window view/display
ctrl + 3 ======= define (text) style
ctrl + u ======= file & stroke setup window/option
alt + ctrl + f ======= display/view frame (option)
ctrl + } ======= object/text bring to front
ctrl + { ======= object/text send to back
ctrl + shift + } ======= object/text send backward
ctrl + shift + { ======= object/text bring forward
ctrl + shift ======= alignment (object) view/display
ctrl + alt + e/t + e ======= wrap (text)
ctrl + g ======= group (text/object)
ctrl + shift + g ======= un-group (text/object)
ctrl + 6 ======= mask (text/object)
ctrl + shift + 6 ======= unmask (text/object)
ctrl + l ======= lock (text/object)
alt + ctrl + l ======= unlock (text/object)
ctrl + f ======= find/search (text)
ctrl + h ======= change/modify
ctrl + l ======= spelling find/check
ctrl + y ======= index access/entry
ctrl + r ======= ruler (show/hide)
ctrl + j ======= color panel (show/hide)
ctrl + 1 ======= actual size view/display
ctrl + 2 ======= 200% view/display
ctrl + 4 ======= 400% view/display
ctrl + 5 ======= 500% view/display
ctrl + 7 ======= 75% view/display
ctrl + 0 ======= fit in window view/display
ctrl + 3 ======= define (text) style
ctrl + u ======= file & stroke setup window/option
alt + ctrl + f ======= display/view frame (option)
ctrl + } ======= object/text bring to front
ctrl + { ======= object/text send to back
ctrl + shift + } ======= object/text send backward
ctrl + shift + { ======= object/text bring forward
ctrl + shift ======= alignment (object) view/display
ctrl + alt + e/t + e ======= wrap (text)
ctrl + g ======= group (text/object)
ctrl + shift + g ======= un-group (text/object)
ctrl + 6 ======= mask (text/object)
ctrl + shift + 6 ======= unmask (text/object)
ctrl + l ======= lock (text/object)
alt + ctrl + l ======= unlock (text/object)
ctrl + f ======= find/search (text)
ctrl + h ======= change/modify
ctrl + l ======= spelling find/check
ctrl + y ======= index access/entry
ctrl + r ======= ruler (show/hide)
ctrl + j ======= color panel (show/hide)
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